Wednesday, December 4, 2013


For many this subject is a very hard subject to talk about, concerning the fact that it has to do with a human life. The topic is abortion.
There are two primary types of groups that deal with abortion: Pro-choice and Pro-life.
Pro-choice: believe that abortion is ok. Some say under extreme circumstances (such as rape) abortion would be ok. Others argue that abortion is ok no matter what. If a female doesn't want to get pregnant right now, she doesn't have to.
Pro-life: believe that abortion is wrong. It takes away a human life.

My opinion: I am Pro-life. From my religious perspective abortion hurts a persons spirit. The spirit of a human enters a body as spoon as the fetus is conceived... even before the heart beat. Getting rid of it at any time is wrong.
From my own everyday perspective, however...
Some females don't want a baby because they don't want scarring or they are embarrassed to admit they are sexually active (in the case of sex before marriage). Then DON'T HAVE SEX. Sorry, not sorry, it's as easy as that. Not all birth prevention methods prevent babies. Yes, they do work, but not all of the time. If a woman doesn't want a baby, she shouldn't have sex. Woman: don't make a child pay for your decisions.
As for circumstances such as rape, I still believe a female should keep the child and give it it's best opportunity at life. If adoption is necessary, then send it to an adoptive family under a closed adoption so you don't have to see the child. Don't murder an innocent human.. that's worse than rape. Also, no matter what, the child isn't what is going to make a woman remember being raped, she will remember it because it happened to her. The child doesn't change that state of mind just by simply disposing of it like it is trash.
Giving birth to a child is a divine gift that each woman has, and shouldn't be thrown away so easily. I would be so upset if I ever found out my mom even considered having an abortion with me. My life is such a great life and I deserve to live. I am glad my mom didn't take that right away from me.

1. Are you pro-choice or pro-life? Why?
2. What would your reaction be if you found out your parents wanted to have an abortion with you?

Again, this is all in my opinion and please comment respectfully in the opinions of mine and others. Thank you! :)

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